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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

[OFF-TOPIC] Creating a List of Timezones with PHP

Hey guys,

Below you can find how to create a list of timezones with PHP using the native object DateTimeZone. Enjoy!


class TimeZone

    static $regions = array(
        'Africa' => \DateTimeZone::AFRICA,
        'America' => \DateTimeZone::AMERICA,
        'Antarctica' => \DateTimeZone::ANTARCTICA,
        'Asia' => \DateTimeZone::ASIA,
        'Atlantic' => \DateTimeZone::ATLANTIC,
        'Europe' => \DateTimeZone::EUROPE,
        'Indian' => \DateTimeZone::INDIAN,
        'Pacific' => \DateTimeZone::PACIFIC,

     * @return array List of locations
    static public function getLocations()
        foreach (self::$regions as $name => $mask) {
            $tzlist = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($mask);
            foreach ($tzlist as $tz) {
                $locations[$name][$tz] = substr($tz, strrpos($tz, '/') + 1);
        return $locations;



To use it just write in your code:

$locations = TimeZone::getLocations();